Saturday, June 28, 2008

Superstarkids Childcare Health and Illness Policy

Please keep your child home if he or she displays any of the following symptoms:
A fever of 101.5 degrees or higher, or has had a fever in the past 24 hour period.
A constant cough, wheezing, nasal discharge, sneezing, vomiting or diarrhea.
A communicable disease. A communicable disease will have some or all of the following symptoms: sniffles, reddened eyes with discharge, sore throat, headache and abdominal pain, accompanied by a fever. Please notify the Director immediately if your child does have a communicable disease. Your child must be on antibiotics for 24 hours (or had 3 dosages) before coming back to the center.
Redness of the eyelids accompanied by a discharge (pink eye).
Severe itching of body or scalp (lice). There must be no sign of nits for your child to return to school.
Sore throat
Unusual spots or rashes.
Mouth sores with drooling.
A phone call to let us know why your child is absent would be appreciated. Children with a fever cannot return to our center until 24 hours after the fever is less than 99 degrees. Children with diarrhea cannot return to our center until they have had a normal bowel movement. If your child has one diarrhea bowel movement during the day, we will make a courtesy call to let you know. After the second diarrhea bowel movement, you will be asked to pick up your child. Children with a serious illness will not be allowed to enter our center without a physician’s approval (must be in writing). Super Star Kids Childcare reserves the right to override a physician’s note if your child still exhibits some of the above symptoms; the parent will be called to come and pick up their child.

Should your child become ill during the day, you will be notified as soon as possible. Parents are required to promptly (30 minutes) pick-up their child from the center. Parents that are unable to pick-up their child in a timely manner, will need to have an authorized person on your child’s enrollment form come pick-up your child. It is your responsibility as a parent to update your enrollment form if needed. In the event of a serious illness or injury and we are unable to contact you or any person listed on your enrollment form, at the discretion of the Director or Assistant Director, the paramedics will be called and your child will be transported to an emergency facility.
Daily health checks are made on each child upon their arrival. If a child shows visible signs of being ill, or anytime during the day, the parents will be called to pick-up their child.